How Service Advisors Can Increase Customer Loyalty

service advisor
When it comes to your customers, loyalty is everything. While the numbers out there vary, the vast majority of professionals agree that obtaining a new customer is much more expensive than keeping a previous one, and previous customers are much more likely to purchase from you than a new customer. As a result, making an effort to improve customer loyalty is crucial because it can drastically increase an automotive shop’s profits.
If you’re interested in becoming a service advisor, read on to learn four strategies for improving customer loyalty.

1. Service Advisors Should Create a Positive Customer Experience

The first and most important step in creating loyal customers is providing a consistent and positive experience. If your customer’s experience is negative, any other techniques you use to build customer loyalty will be ineffective. Therefore, it’s best to focus on the customer’s experience first.
Simple ways that you can improve the customer experience as a service advisor include making eye contact when speaking and listening to the customer, being honest about repair times and setting realistic expectations, and keeping your customer in the loop if anything unexpected comes up.

2. Service Advisors Can Interact With Clients on Company Social Media

If you have access to your shop’s social media accounts, you can use them to connect with your customers. Connecting on social media creates an immediate connection between customers and your shop’s brand. Whenever you make a post and it appears on their newsfeed, they will be reminded of the positive experience they had at your shop. This keeps your shop top of mind, so if one of your customers’ friends needs a repair, they’ll be more likely to suggest you first.
In addition, you can also use social media to share customer testimonials. With your customer’s permission, you can share a photo of their vehicle and a little blurb about the problem and how the customer left satisfied.

3. Service Advisors Can Remind Customers About the Shop’s Loyalty Program

If the shop you work in after service advisor training has a loyalty program, you can use it to create more loyal customers. The trick is to remind your customers about the loyalty program and its benefits, as an unused loyalty program won’t do anything to improve customer loyalty. Always ask your customers if they are aware of your loyalty program. Whether they get a free oil change or a discount on car repairs, make sure you convey the value of this program to the customer to help encourage loyalty.

service advisor training
Keep customers informed about your shop’s loyalty program

4. Service Advisors Can Make Memorable Connections with Clients

In a busy shop on a hectic day, it can seem like a challenge to go above and beyond for your customers. However, making memorable and personal connections is an easy way to make a lasting, positive impression on your customers. Something as simple as having a lollypop for your customer’s child while they wait or remembering a small fact they told you about their family can show your customers that you’re more than just a service advisor, you’re a person who values their business. These small extra efforts can go a long way in improving customer rapport and ensuring that they walk through your doors the next time they need a repair.
Do you want to become an automotive service technician or service advisor?
Contact CATI today to learn more about our programs!

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